Practical Help for the Holidays

Tis the season to be merry. But the hustle and bustle and emotional ups and downs sometimes interfere with our ability to enjoy the holidays as much as we would like. Fortunately, the clinic has several supplements to help with the challenges many of us experience during the busy holiday season. Here are the services we offer at the clinic and some feedback from our patients:
Help with Family & the Holidays:
Some family members and family dynamics can be challenging during this time of year – bless their hearts! Health Resolutions Treatment Center – Brain Formula dietary supplement helps calm the nervous system and can help with reducing irritability and taking the edge off of situations. One patient talks about her experience at a family gathering one year using the Brain Formula.
“I used the Well-Adjust supplement during a stressful trip this summer to visit my family. It is usually very stressful for me, almost unbearable, as I have nowhere to truly process all the emotions. The Well-Adjust cut the edge off and I was able to have a calmer, more meaningful trip.”
The Well-Adjust supplement is nutritional support for stressful life events and situations. (The supplement is now called Health Resolutions Treatment Center – Brain Formula).
Anxiety – Help Calming the Nervous System:
Many people can be in a fight or flight mode due to long periods of stress and/or stressful situations in life. A busy mind especially before bed and having a hard time getting to sleep are classic signs of the nervous system being in emergency mode. The supplement Health Resolutions Treatment Center – Brain Formula helps ease occasional worrying or overwhelming temporary anxiety.
Another patient commented on her experience with this supplement.
“I have suffered with anxiety…I started coming to Dr. Zafis for different reasons but had her focus a lot on my anxiety. After I got pregnant and had my baby I suffered a little post-partum depression/anxiety. She put me on the pills Well-Adjust and after a week of using them, I felt so much better. My baby blues were gone and I felt like my emotions were well balanced.”
Help with Energy during this Busy Season:
There is a lot to do this time of year. Supporting the adrenal glands can help with keeping your energy up, especially during the afternoon slump. Working with the adrenal glands also can help some patients with afternoon sugar and carb cravings. We can see which supplement would be best suited for you.
Holistic Healing to Support the Immune System:
There are several common health challenges that many of us face during the holidays. First, we tend to eat more sweets because of their availability at festive gatherings. Eating a lot of sugar slows down the immune system and makes a person more susceptible to colds and cases of flu. Also, the bacteria and viruses that we are exposed to are becoming more challenging to work with. Antibiotics are not killing some bacteria, a condition called antibiotic resistance bacteria or in some cases, they are not completely killing all the bacteria in the system.
We provide support for the immune system so that it can more effectively provide the body with a defense against harmful bacteria and viruses. For immune system support, the clinic does need to do testing to see what you specifically need to support that system. A 15-minute appointment is enough to check for exactly what you need.
Holistic Treatments for Sugar & Carb Cravings:
Sugar and carb cravings can be caused by several different imbalances. Food sensitivities can contribute to cravings. Hormonal imbalances or being run down can also contribute as well. Recently I have been noticing pancreas imbalances in patients and resolving those issues can also help reduce sugar and carb cravings. A complimentary consultation would reveal what imbalances are causing the cravings.
Holistic Healing to Help with Sleep:
The clinic has had many successes with resolving sleep issues and would like to work with more people having this challenge. Problems getting to sleep are caused by a different set of imbalances than issues with waking up. Hormonal issues with women in particular may also be a contributing factor. The clinic does offer a complimentary consultation to see what imbalances exist that may be contributing to difficulty sleeping.
Allergy Relief for Congestion:
This time of year people can react to mold, cold, dampness, dust, and wood smoke. The clinic can help patients better manage these reactions while helping to support the immune system.
The holiday season is a time to be joyful and happy. I wish you all a delightful holiday. If you or your friends or family need any help during this season, please call the office at 707 527-7710 and we will be available assist you in making this season a happy, healthy and energetic one!
Schedule a 15-minute free consultation and outdoor allergy sensitivity test in our office. To make an appointment, call (707) 527-7710 or click here to make an appointment on-line
Dr. Cindy Zafis, DC, DACACD is a Doctor of Chiropractic and not a Medical Doctor. Dr. Zafis, DC, DACACD does not claim to diagnose or cure any illness or disease.
What the clinic offers are several Chiropractic therapies that balance the body through gentle spinal care, very targeted nutritional therapy, and correcting structural issues. Many patients that have not been able to resolve issues themselves have been very satisfied with the results of these therapies.
Dr. Zafis, DC, DACACD has taken several classes to help patients including NAET, BioSet, gentle spinal care, and Applied Kinesiology. She has helped many patients in Sonoma County since 1995.
You may call the office to schedule your free 15-minute health screening today.
Call the office for a 15-minute free consultation. To make an appointment, call (707) 527-7710 or here to make an appointment on-line.

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