Natural Allergy Relief
Dr. Zafis, DC, HHP has been helping clients manage health symptoms with nutritional therapy and other natural therapies in Sonoma County since 1995. As a chiropractor and holistic practitioner, she has taken classes in NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Technique), BioSet, Applied Kinesiology with nutritional therapy, and cranial therapy to help patients with their health issues. Many of her patients have reported vast improvements in their overall health and well-being after her treatments.
Therapies Used for Natural Relief:
Targeted Nutritional Therapy
Many patients come into the office after not responding to other forms of treatment. Dr. Zafis, DC uses the history, exam, medical tests, and Applied Kinesiology to assess the situation with each patient.
Applied Kinesiology is a chiropractic technique taught in chiropractic schools that helps assess function in the body. It is very specific and detail-oriented and is a valuable tool for Doctors across the country. At one point 18,000 Chiropractors were using this technique.
This technique has been researched and published in several medical journals including the International Journal of Neuroscience, Perceptional Motor Skills, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, and American Journal of Sports Medicine.
This system uses the nervous system to assess imbalances and specific biology in the body. It is used to assess which nutritional formulas best helps the patient at that specific point in time. It is also beneficial in identifying which foods cause imbalances in the body that may result in headaches, pain, fatigue, brain fog, and many other symptoms.
For more information about Applied Kinesiology go to
Gentle Acupressure Therapy
The NAET and BioSet techniques combine several styles of therapies including chiropractic, applied kinesiology, and traditional Chinese medicine.
These techniques are a gentle, non-invasive, natural approach to health. They are holistic therapies that support the body and may help reduce sensitivity reactions. These techniques are used In combination with nutritional therapy and other therapies.
Cranial Therapy
This technique assesses the correct position of the cranial bones. The position of these bones can be changed if head trauma has occurred such as from a car accident or sports injury.
These chiropractic techniques, in combination with nutritional therapy, have helped patients manage their health issues.
Free Health Screening for You, Your Family, and Friends
If you have health concerns, we offer a free screening or a phone consultation for people looking for a natural way to restore health. To make an appointment, call (707) 527-7710 or click here to make an appointment on-line.
Dr. Cindy Zafis, DC, DACACD, HHP is a Doctor of Chiropractic and not a Medical Doctor. Dr. Zafis, DC, DACACD, HHP does not claim to diagnose or cure any illness or disease.
What the clinic offers are several Chiropractic therapies that balance the body through gentle spinal care, very targeted nutritional therapy, and correcting structural issues. Many patients that have not been able to resolve issues themselves have been very satisfied with the results of these therapies.
Dr. Zafis, DC, DACACD, HHP has taken several classes to help patients including NAET, BioSet, gentle spinal care, and Applied Kinesiology.
You may call the office to schedule your free 15-minute health screening today.
Call the office for a 15-minute free consultation at (707) 527-7710 or click here to make an appointment on-line.

I have been working with Dr. Zafis for 5 years or so. She has helped me totally eliminate food allergies and treats me for environmental allergies as the climate shifts. In addition, she has helped with many mild viruses and bacterial infections as well as detoxification. She is like a magician, being able to discern subtleties in the body.
Symptoms Managed:
- Congestion, post-nasal drip, itchy eyes
- Symptoms from food reactions
- Chemical reactions
- Fatigue
- Food cravings
- Bloating from certain foods
- Sleeplessness
“Initially I started to see Dr. Cindy to relieve allergies and insomnia. My allergies are now gone and every time allergy season roles around I’m thankful all over again.”
Allergy Relief in Sonoma County
Spring is here! With the heavy rains experienced this winter, the clinic is seeing an increase in the pollen levels. We’re also seeing a change in the types of allergens currently in the air.
Spring Fatigue
Resolving the reasons for fatigue in the Spring may leave you more energetic and with less brain fog
Managing Pollen Reactions
We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. Unfortunately, for many people, spring is a time of suffering due to reactions to the pollen in the air.