Health Resolutions Treatment Center Brain Formula

Available exclusively from Health Resolutions Treatment Center, Brain Formula, an encapsulated whole food, provides high-quality nutritional support to help ease occasional worrying or overwhelming temporary anxiety resulting from:

  • A busy, hectic lifestyle
  • Stressful life events and situations
  • Irritability and nervous agitation
  • Tapering off other therapies for anxiety and sleep
  • Operating at a high level of function and performance.

Stress factors are a constant of modern living and finding a way to relieve stress is crucial to your health.

We all experience the occasional anxiety and irritation of lousy drivers on the road, long lines and long waits, not-so-nice people, excessive noise, challenging family situations, managing finances, political frustration, and personal fears.

Pile on the added stress of a super busy, hectic lifestyle, or the bustle of the typical holiday season, and you might find yourself:

  • Feeling anxious and overwhelmed
  • Having trouble falling asleep
  • Short-tempered and over-reactive
  • Physically frazzled and out of sorts

Watch our testimonial videos to see how Brain Formula has improved our customers lives!

“I have suffered with anxiety…I started coming to Dr. Zafis for different reasons, but had her focus a lot on my anxiety. After I got pregnant and had my baby I suffered a little from post-partum depression/ anxiety. She put me on the pills Brain Formula and after a week of using them, I felt so much better. My baby blues were gone and I felt like my emotions were well balanced.”
– Amy


Consistent stress can magnify and intensify our body’s natural “fight or flight” response, making it difficult for the body’s natural return to a calm and relaxed state. Repeated stress can leave you feeling worn out, depleted and not well able to handle family or business tensions and anxiety.

Your body’s nervous system has 2 modes of operation:

  1. The high alert “survival” mode which the body uses to determine its automatic “fight or flight” response.
  2. The refueling “sustain” mode which the body uses to rest, relax and heal.

We can all identify with the frightened gasp and chest tightening when a driver on the freeway in the lane next to you crosses unexpectedly into your lane, nearly crashing your car. Or the cringe you feel when a family member makes stinging, thoughtless comments toward you.

That gasp, that cringe are both examples of the physical embodiment of our body’s natural “fight or flight” response.

Through repeated and excessive stressful situations, a person’s nervous system can get stuck in the body’s fight or flight activation and not automatically power down to its natural healing mode as it should.

Are you experiencing any of these common symptoms of frequent stress: increased blood pressure, respiratory disease, heartburn, acid reflux, inhibited immunity, fatigue, insulin resistance, diabetes, inflammation, anxiety, depression or mood disorders?

Now you can equip your body with the nutritional support it needs to maintain your grace, calm and composure — even when dealing with the typical stress-inducing family dramas and professional business pressures. Relieve stress naturally with Brain Formula.

Research and Helpful Reading:

Ronzio R. 2006. A Rationale for the Use of Glandular Products. Stichting Sci Nutrition. Click the PDF on the right to read article.

Gould, R. Supporting the Body with Glandular Extracts. Nutri News 71.

High levels of tryptophan in seaweed

Benefits of minerals:


Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O. The Raw Materials of Health, Thorosons 1989.

Wilson JL. This anti-aging effects of liquid thymus extracts.  Advances in Anti Aging Medicine, Klatz R. Ed. Volume I (1996)pp349-355.

Balch P.A. 2006. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th ed. New York, NY. Avery Trade. 790.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease.